
  • Kərimova Rəna Cabbar kızı Azerbaycan Tıp Üniversitesi, Deneysel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, Uzman Araştırmacı, Tıpta Felsefe Doktoru
  • Eyvazov Taryel Əli oğlu Azerbaycan Tıp Üniversitesi, Deneysel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, Kıdemli Araştırmacı, Tıpta Felsefe Doktoru


Liver cirrhosis, Microbial cirrhosis, Macropenous cirrhosis


There may be no significant change in the general appearance and shape of the liver. In size, the body may
have grown in the initial period but has since decreased later. The grains are very small and similar and difficult
to see. Fibrosis tissue is usually thinner and finer between the grains, in which case the grains are more easily
selected under the capsule and on the cut surface. chronic alcohol use. Hemachromatosis, biliary obstruction,
chronic venous leakage, metabolic disorders in childhood and rare chronic hepatitis can also cause this
cirrhosis. Microbiological cirrhosis may also provide some etiological approaches with some macroscopic
The appearance and size of the liver is much more variable. Although the organ may be enlarged initially, the
clinic is usually smaller (less than 1000 grams) in patients. The liver consists of large and superficial nodules
that are divided into fibrous bands of varying width. As the disease progresses, the initially relatively thin
fibrosis enlarges and becomes noticeable, forming deeper deposits on the surface. This type of cirrhosis
represents the final stage of all chronic liver disease and therefore occurs in many fractures and it is currently
impossible to predict the etiology of macroscopic procedures.




How to Cite

Cabbar kızı, K. R., & Əli oğlu, E. T. (2023). ETIOLOGY OF LIVER CIROSIS. Journal of Health For World, 1(1), 30–38. Retrieved from