Journal of Health For World
<p>The Journal of Health for the World is the scientific publication of the International Academy of Sciences Association (IASA), which was established in 2022. The aim of the journal is to convey the current developments in the field of health sciences and especially medicine in our country and in the world, to ensure that original scientific studies are attributed to the scientific world, and to create a scientific forum where these developments are discussed with their positive and negative aspects. On the other hand, in order to support the training of the manpower that will join the health army of the future with modern methods and gaining the highest level of knowledge and skills, a section under the title of Medicine/Health education is reserved in the journal.</p> <p>The articles to be accepted to the journal consist of research, experimental study, case report, review, interesting images and letters to the editor. There are also news from the world of medicine/health, ethics, and articles on the history of medicine. The articles are about medicine, midwifery, nursing, physiotherapy, nutrition, health education, health management, sports health, health economics, audiology etc. It can be from various fields of science related to health, such as health. The responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors. Authors are not paid royalties</p> <p>It is published electronically in an issues a year, in June. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.</p> <p>Submission of articles to the journal, correspondence, sending the articles to the referees and requesting corrections (if any) from the author, and then reviewing by the editor and notifying the authors of their acceptance or rejection for publication are done electronically. Another main principle of the journal is the rapid evaluation of articles and the timely publication of the journal. All studies uploaded to the system are evaluated by a double-blind reviewer.</p>Uluslararası Bilimler Akademisi Derneği (UBAK)en-USJournal of Health For WorldMONITORING OF THE RELEASE OF CANDIDA FUNGI IN CHILDREN WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS
<p>Relevance: tuberculosis infection is still a danger to the population, despite all the measures taken in<br>relation to it. According to published data from the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2014, 9.6<br>million people were identified with new cases of tuberculosis and 1.5 million people died from this<br>infection associated with this disease [1]. The burden of tuberculosis (TB) in children and adolescents<br>remains very significant. Every year, several million children and adolescents worldwide become<br>infected with tuberculosis after contact with a contagious tuberculosis patient, and the risk of<br>progression of tuberculosis infection into tuberculosis disease in this group is higher than in adults [2].<br>Infants and young children are at high risk of severe and disseminated disease associated with<br>death or long-term disability, while adolescents usually develop adult-type pulmonary tuberculosis,<br>which is highly contagious and contributes to constant transmission within the community. The main<br>challenges include reducing missed opportunities for TB prevention, of which there were many, and<br>increasing the detection of cases of the disease, especially among young children [3].<br>More than 1.5 million children and adolescents (0-19 years old) become ill with tuberculosis annually<br>(11% of the total number of estimated cases), with the highest proportions falling on young children<br>(<5 years old) and older adolescents (15-19 years old). years) [ 4,5]. The burden of childhood and<br>adolescent TB varies by country and region [6].<br>As it is known, tuberculosis patients belong to the risk group for the development of opportunistic<br>mycoses, in relation to children, the risk of developing candida infection increases as a result of<br>prolonged antibiotic therapy, unformed immunity in the younger age group and hormonal changes in<br>the adolescent body, etc.<br>Invasive candidiasis is a clinical condition that usually occurs in patients with immunosuppression and<br>in patients with general defects of the immune system. Candida albicans is the most common fungal<br>pathogen capable of causing infections ranging from mild lesions of the skin and mucous membranes<br>to invasive diseases affecting several organs. Deep candida infections rarely occur in healthy hosts, but<br>the incidence increases significantly in patients with immunosuppression [7].<br>Candida albicans is still the most common fungus causing infections in immunocompromised patients<br>[8]. The prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis coinfection with Candida is about 15-32% in various<br>studies [9]. The most common type of these fungi (from 9 to 80%) is C. albicans, which is a mucous<br>membrane found in the usual normal microflora of the digestive tract.<br>Candida albicans has evolved as a potentially pathogenic fungus, and not as a harmless guest in the<br>mucous material of patients with bronchopulmonary diseases, which can increase complications in<br>these diseases. Kali et al. [8] found that 40% of cases of Candida co-infection are represented by C.<br>albicans (59%), followed by C. tropicalis (20%) and C. glabatra (20%) [10].<br>The purpose of the study: to monitor the frequency of Candida fungi excretion in tuberculosis<br>patients of children and adolescents undergoing specialized treatment at the National Scientific Center<br>of Phthisiopulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NSCP of the<br>Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan).<br>Materials and methods of research: as is known, microscopic examination and cultivation of<br>clinical samples for the diagnosis of fungal infection are the gold standard. In our article, we analyzed<br>the results of a cultural method of studying clinical material in patients of the pediatric pulmonary<br>department of the NSCP of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty for a<br>three-year period.<br>The study of the species composition of isolated strains of fungi of the genus Candida was carried out.<br>For intraspecific identification of fungi of the genus Candida, chromogenic media are used in the<br>reference laboratory of the NSCP of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This agar<br>allows you to identify fungi of the genus Candida by the presence of color, each type of fungi of the<br>genus Candida is characterized by its own color.<br>Results of the study: a total of 532 cultures of Candida fungi were isolated from the clinical material<br>of tuberculosis patients in the period 2020-2022. The distribution by analyzed years was as follows:<br>2020 -126 (23.7%), 2021 - 216 (40.6%), 2022 – 190 (35.7%) (Figure 1).</p>Sarsenbayeva Maira ZamanbekovnaRyskulova Alma-gul RakhimovnaBaymuratova Mayrash AushatovnaChingisova Laila TursinbekovnaAuezov Abylai SharipbekovichAnuarova Akerke BakhytzhanovnaBaduova Zhazira Orazovna
Copyright (c) 2023
2023-08-012023-08-011115THE ROLE OF PUBLIC HEALTH IN SOCIETY
<p>The formation of a healthy society is a social activity and is the moral duty of everyone, regardless of<br>class, gender, or race. Public health is one of the factors that lead to the civilization of mankind. This<br>problem, which maintains its relevance at the individual and state level, has become a research field<br>and has contributed to the development of medicine. One of the scientific studies that focused<br>attention on the importance of public health was the Institute of Medicine's 1988 report entitled "The<br>Future of Public Health." One of the first tasks of the study committee was to reexamine the definition<br>of public health, justifying the need for a broad definition of public health to be effective. The study<br>committee's rationale definition consists of four parts: the mission, nature, organizational framework,<br>and core functions of public health. "The Future of Public Health" defines the mission of public health<br>as "creating conditions where people can be healthy, ensuring the interests of society."<br>The essence of public health is "organized community efforts aimed at preventing disease and<br>promoting health." The organizational framework of public health encompasses "activities carried out<br>within the formal structure of government, as well as the related efforts of private and voluntary<br>organizations and individuals." Public health has three main functions:<br>1. Evaluation<br>2. Policy development<br>3. Security<br>One way to better understand public health and its functions is to compare it to medical<br>practice. While medicine deals with individual patients, public health treats society as its patient. Thus,<br>public health care stands guard over the health of the population, while medicine focuses on curing<br>patients. Public health takes measures to prevent disease.<br>Public health decision-making depends on politics. An example of this is the new type of<br>pneumonia COVID-19 coronovirus pandemic. The virus was first detected in Wuhan, central China's<br>Hubei province, in a case of pneumonia of unknown origin in local residents associated with the local<br>Huanan meat and seafood market, according to the World Health Organization. A pandemic has been<br>declared worldwide by the World Health Organization since March 2020. Thanks to the preventive<br>prophylactic epidemiological measures implemented by the Operational Staff of the Cabinet of<br>Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan (vaccine against COVID-19, wearing a mask, maintaining<br>social distance, disinfecting streets and living spaces, observing hygienic rules), the existing<br>restrictions are relaxed in accordance with the sanitary-epidemiological situation, from the quarantine<br>regime phased exit mechanisms are applied.<br>As defined in the Institute of Medicine's report "The Future of Public Health," the mission of public<br>health is to satisfy society's interest in providing conditions in which people can be healthy.</p>Lətifə Mehdi-zadə
Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Health For World
<p>Entropion is the inward curving of part or all of the eyelid margin to contact the corneal surface. It is<br>the most common eyelid anomaly in dogs. Entropion may develop due to primary causes such as<br>congenital or developmental entropion or secondary causes such as spastic and cicatricial entropion.<br>Entropion can be lateral, medial, angular or total. It can affect the lower and/or upper eyelid, or both.<br>Before permanent surgical intervention of entropion, spastic causes must be eliminated.<br>The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of the Hotz–Celsus and Modified Hotz–Celsus<br>techniques used for the operation of a total of fifteen dogs with lateral canthus and lower eyelid entropion. Eight of the fifteen cases had bilateral lateral canthus entropion, one case had unilateral<br>lateral canthus entropion, four cases had unilateral lateral lower eyelid entropion, and two cases had<br>bilateral lateral lower eyelid entropion. Symptoms such as epiphora, photophobia, blepharospasm and<br>mucoid discharge were observed in all cases. In five cases with superficial keratitis; corneal irritation,<br>increased corneal opacity, neovascularization, epiphora, photophobia, blapharospasm, conjunctival<br>hyperemia were detected. Conjunctivitis was seen in eight cases. Among these, conjuctivitis was<br>bilateral in six cases and unilateral in two cases. Epiphora, photophobia, blepharospasm and mucoid<br>discharge were detected with conjunctivitis.<br>Nine dogs diagnosed with lateral canthal entropion were operated using the Modified Hotz-Celsus<br>technique, and six dogs diagnosed with lower eyelid entropion were operated using the Hotz-Celsus<br>technique. For post-operative antibacterial therapy, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (PO at a dose of 12.5<br>mg/kg) was administered twice a day for five days. Each patient was fitted with a protective<br>Elizabethan collar. Stitches were removed within 14-16 days after surgery. For the treatment of<br>entropion-induced superficial keratitis, 0.5% levofloxacin, 0.15% sodium hyaluronate drops and<br>carbomer gel were applied topically for 21 days after surgery.<br>No complications were observed in thirteen dogs after eyelid surgery. Revision operations were<br>required in two cases. In the follow-up examinations performed one year later, it was determined that<br>the dogs did not have any eye problems. As a result, it was determined that Modified Hotz-Celsus and<br>Hotz-Celsus methods were successful for the treatment of lateral canthal entropion and lower eyelid<br>entropion in dogs. In general, no complications related to the operation techniques were encountered.<br><br></p>Nurıza ZAMIRBEKOVA
Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Health For World
<p>Brucellosis, also known as Brucellosis, is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans<br>through contact with infected animals or consumption of contaminated animal products. It is a<br>significant public health concern in many parts of the world, including the Republic of<br>Kazakhstan. In this study, we aimed to determine the frequency of brucellosis in the population<br>of Kazakhstan. To do this, we conducted a retrospective analysis of brucellosis cases reported to<br>the Kazakhstani Ministry of Health period from 2019 to 2021. We collected data on the number<br>of cases and region of residence. Our results showed that the overall frequency of brucellosis in<br>Kazakhstan was relatively low, with an annual average of just over 900 cases per year.<br>Thehighest rates of infection were found in the eastern and southern regions of the country,<br>particularly in rural areas where there is a higher prevalence of livestock farming. In conclusion,<br>our study found that the frequency of brucellosis in Kazakhstan is relatively low but it remains a<br>public health concern, particularly in certain regions and among certain populations. Further<br>research is needed to identify the specific risk factors for brucellosis in Kazakhstan and to<br>develop targeted prevention and control measures.</p>Raushan AIBEK KARAKULULYRyskulova ALMAU-GUL RAHIMOVNA
Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Health For World
2023-08-012023-08-01112329ETIOLOGY OF LIVER CIROSIS
<p>There may be no significant change in the general appearance and shape of the liver. In size, the body may<br>have grown in the initial period but has since decreased later. The grains are very small and similar and difficult<br>to see. Fibrosis tissue is usually thinner and finer between the grains, in which case the grains are more easily<br>selected under the capsule and on the cut surface. chronic alcohol use. Hemachromatosis, biliary obstruction,<br>chronic venous leakage, metabolic disorders in childhood and rare chronic hepatitis can also cause this<br>cirrhosis. Microbiological cirrhosis may also provide some etiological approaches with some macroscopic<br>features.<br>The appearance and size of the liver is much more variable. Although the organ may be enlarged initially, the<br>clinic is usually smaller (less than 1000 grams) in patients. The liver consists of large and superficial nodules<br>that are divided into fibrous bands of varying width. As the disease progresses, the initially relatively thin<br>fibrosis enlarges and becomes noticeable, forming deeper deposits on the surface. This type of cirrhosis<br>represents the final stage of all chronic liver disease and therefore occurs in many fractures and it is currently<br>impossible to predict the etiology of macroscopic procedures.</p>Kərimova Rəna Cabbar kızıEyvazov Taryel Əli oğlu
Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Health For World